How ProTax Recon Can Help You Navigate
Tax Issues in Real Estate

Here are some real-life examples of what can happen without the support, guidance, and expertise of ProTax Recon’s services.


When Ownership is Not Updated

Imagine… A Commercial Property – Seller entered into a contract to sell and had no idea they were responsible for back taxes, penalties, and interest accrued over a year because the appraisal district did not update the property ownership. With ProTax Recon’s tax monitoring service, the seller could have saved over $10,000 in unexpected fees.


If Taxes are Delinquent

Imagine… A Commercial Property – Seller was unaware that they owed taxes on various tax accounts after selling property. By the time they found out, penalties and interest had accrued, leaving the seller with over $5,000 in delinquent taxes. With ProTax Recon’s tax monitoring service, sellers could have avoided unexpected fees and penalties.


When Tax Bills are Forgotten

Imagine… A Residential Property – Seller sold their property to a buyer, but the appraisal district did not pick up the recorded deed. As a result, tax bills were mailed to the Seller, who did not forward them to the Buyer. This left the Buyer with over $5,000 in delinquent taxes. With ProTax Recon’s tax monitoring service, sellers and buyers can avoid this type of issue.

Real Results of Success with ProTax Recon

Now you don’t have to imagine—here’s how ProTax has handled real cases and delivered the best tax savings for our clients.

Maximizing Savings

A residential buyer purchased a property and they didn’t realize they were eligible for homestead exemption. With ProTax Recon’s tax monitoring service, the buyer was to save over $23,000 in property taxes.

Avoiding Surprises

A commercial buyer purchased a property with taxes prorated at closing, only to receive a tax bill for over $50,000 the following year. Thanks to ProTax Recon’s tax reconciliation service, the buyer was able to reconcile and collect from the seller over $13,000 in property taxes.

  • 100% Collection Rate
  • Ensure Accurate Government Record Updates
  • Save Time and Money

What Can ProTax Recon Do for You?

Tax Monitoring

Keep your property tax accounts up-to-date with
ProTax Recon.

Tax Reconciliation

Ensure that you’re only paying your share
of property taxes.

Escrow Services

Serve as a third-party agent holding funds outside
of a real estate transaction.

Bought or Sold Real Estate in Texas in the Past Two Years?

Get in touch with us to schedule a free consultation and discover how ProTax Recon can help you save money on property taxes.


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